TC National Network of Trainers

What distinguishes successful schools from less successful schools? It’s a question that has guided our work in schools for over forty years. The answer, believe it or not, is not knowledge. Educators in effective schools don’t possess some secret knowledge that their counterparts have missed out on. Instead, research and experience show that what separates successful schools from the rest is something called the knowing-doing gap. Successful schools are able to cross this gap by turning their knowledge into practice, while less successful schools remain on the knowing side of the gap. In these schools, knowledge doesn’t translate into better practice or results.

Harvey Silver in classroom
   Dr. Harvey Silver, President of Silver Strong & Associates
   and author of "The Core Six," published by ASCD

So how do we bridge the gap? What are the challenges of practice that keep teachers from turning what they know about good instruction into classroom reality? In serving schools for the better part of five decades, we have worked with thousands of educators to identify those challenges of practice that pose the greatest obstacles to achieving results. Through this process, we have developed an award-winning library of over 200 classroom-ready instructional tools for addressing these challenges. Tools give teachers and leaders the “how” they need to turn knowledge into practice.

A Targeted Process for Overcoming Challenges of Practice and Getting Results
Using instructional tools, the Thoughtful Classroom team can help you build a customized improvement plan focused on overcoming those challenges of practice that are impeding achievement in your school or district. Here's how it works:

  • Clarify what we know
       We work with your team to review data, standards, and relevant research
       so we can identify ‘best bets’ for raising achievement.
  • Identify the challenges
       We pinpoint the challenges of practice that hamper improvement.
  • Select and use tools
       We identify tools that address the challenges of practice—and work with
       your staff to implement these tools in their classrooms.
  • Collect and review evidence
       We delineate and look for specific evidence of improvement, and we use our
       findings to determine next steps.

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Silver Strong & Associates Staff
   The Thoughtful Classroom Professional Development Team

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